These are a few of my favourite things: Hammie the Fashion Blog, Part 1

Well folks, I am totally fed up with autism so I decided to do a couple of fashion posts; just until I get my mojo back.

May I say: Respect to all of you who do this daily! I finally appreciate how difficult it is!

Firstly, I had to wait until Bratty was out as it involved "moving things" (ie. shoes and clothes) Then I had to get the light right, and the angles and back drops. I had a good digital camera but I donated it to the school so I had to borrow Mr Hammie's blackberry because it has a flash, and teach myself to use it and well, humph. What a lot of work you gals and guy do each time you do a post!

My first efforts are terrible. But I really really love these clothes so I will try and make up for it by telling a little story for each piece.

These are my "Carrie" shoes. I know she never wore kitten heels in any episodes, it is just how they make me feel. I got them for a wedding, but have ended up wearing them with Khaki capri pants and 3/4 length skinny jeans. They make me feel pretty and dainty and they are soft spanish leather so they like me too. I got them in Nerja in Andalusia, in a shoe shop opposite a Tapas Bar.

This is my "Sack the Stylist" dress!

I bought it on a Thursday and then saw some wagon wearing it in the Sunday Independent magazine under the above heading. I was mortified as said wagon was at the races, and I was intending to wear it to an autism charity race night! (Feck Feck Feck!)
And it was half price so I couldn't return it, so I decided to brazen it out and wear it anyway.
Instead of the shiny accessories and Frou Frou fascinator in the mag', I got a black suede belt in the Red Cross Shop on Fulham Broadway, and wore my Donna Karan Suede courts and black Wolford Fishnets.
I love Wolford Fishnets, I hear Madonna wears them as undies, all the time and if I had her dough I would too.
For the first time in my life I was told by someone I had good legs.
(By Angel No 1, who was babysitting for the race night) Man those Fit Flops might be workin'.

My Donna Karen Suede Courts:

I got them in the UK Cancer Research Shop on The Kings Road in Chelsea, and I love them. They actually had a fringey thing on the front which I chopped off. It leaves them with quite a high instep, but I like that as it makes them look customized and the look avoids toe cleavage.

(Hate toe cleavage, it is like some freak wants you to have 2 sets of hands, ugh, use your own hands freakboy)

They are also very leg lengthening and that is always a Hammvantage when you are 5' 4" with legs like the women in the Stella Artois commercials.

My perfect pink linen jacketty thing. I actually bought this new, but it was on one of those Top Shop "last chance" racks where the items are not reduced, but very individual and it called to me. I was skyving off from an Autism conference and browsing in the Basement when I found it. All the more precious.

I still haven't found the perfect top to wear under it, or a dress with the right pink to pull it off. But it works with a long sleeve body, or a brand new cotton tanktop.
I actually wore it for a photo shoot I did for a weekend magazine.
No, not "Sack the Stylist" but a mother's day feature where I was Special Needs Mum, along with Working Mum, Adoptive Mum, Start Your Own Business Mum and Journalist Mum. (Click on Hammie in the news if you want to know more)

It's a purty top, so of course I wear it with jeans mostly, although it worked with my Mango black tapered pants which were in the Stolen Suitcase. I love pink, it is my talisman.

Well, that is enough for my first attempt at fashion blogging.

And please come back and check out my second attempt.
(will try harder)

With love and thanks


Skye said…
I now have a new life's ambition - I am going to HAVE to make an appearance (preferably in the actual media, not just in my own blog) somewhere, somehow under the heading "Sack the Stylist". That is fantastic!

Love all the pink and prettiness, and your sparkly dress is wonderful!

PS. I secretly love toe cleavage, but I have a friend who hates it as much as you and I splay my toes at her just to freak her out...
K.Line said…
This is a great fashion post! The only thing that would make it more fun is if you tried these things on and showed us model photos!! And it gets easier the more you do it. So keep on. You have talent - and lovely clothes.
Sister Wolf said…
The sparkly dress is fabulous. This blog is more inspiring and fashiony that anything I could ever come up with. Stop having so many talents, until the rest of us can catch up.
Anonymous said…
Hammie - I just had to say it today.....I think your FABULOUS!!! Read your blog all the time and admire your humour and honesty!

Work it Girl!
Lisamaree said…
Skye: Thankyou, but you would never make sack the stylist! I am glad you like the dress, it is by an Irish designer so I feel a bit "home grown" owning it. K-Line and Sis, thankyou! Not a hope of me modeling. I don't own a self timing camera and I don't want my mug in the blog. I hate having my picture taken; Actually cried on the day of the "Mum's the word" shoot. Cried with anxiety. I might try the camera in the mirror thing if I can keep my head out of it.
Anonymous! thanks but who are you? This will torment me all day, You know how obsessive I am!
Seeker said…
Great great!!!
I agree with K you should try these things on and show us model photos ;)

I love your pink linen jacketty, oh gosh you must look wonderful in it.
And the Donna Karen Suede Courts are gorgeous.

I'll look forward to more Fashion in Hammie's House... lol

PS- You're right my body is telling me to slow down... I'm just not listen.
Nan P. said…
Several comments (sorry if I am repeating what others have already said):

1. Brilliant! Looks like so much fun!
2. I love pink too, all shades of it, and all shades of purples... the look of my blog might be a clue?
3. I was going to say that you SHOULD model the cloths and shoes, but then I read about Hammie vs. Photos - totally understand. I'll been scarred for life by my late grand-dad and his going-on-for-ever-pausing-without-pausing photos sessions (the man was a great amateur photographer, but for all the kids it was torture).
4. Puling off such a dres is great! I'll wouldn't have dared! My hat to you (sic).
5. Have you considered branching into fashion journalism?... just a thought.

Waiting for "Part 2"
Candice DeVille said…
Very nice Hammie! It is always good fun to have a peak into others closets, and I agree with K.Line I'd love to see you wearing them. Even if you felt compelled to do it incognito you could ad a mask a la Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffanys.
As for the "Sack the Stylist dress", remember that the "styling' is generally the problem in these cases, and I think the way you have styled it is perfect. It looks like you could pull of a glitzy Agent 99 in this one too, complete with a little black cloche style hat. (Put that on your charity watch list.)

Sorry it has taken me a while to comment. I read your post last night with glee, but my ability to type something cohesive had left me by then. :)
Te said…
I like your fashion blogging! The Donna Karen's are lovely, oh and I totally agree about toe clevage. Yuck!
Lisamaree said…
Seeker, thankyou, but I could never pose as well as you.
Nana: I am short, so I can get away with slightly lairy outfits as I fly below the radar most of the time, ditto big shoes.
Super K:
*sound of deep exhalation*
You are my inspiration. Seriously. Buying loads of dresses in the sales just to wear on the school run. Not sure about a mask
though :~ Going to expand on the "worthy theme" next post tho'
Thankyou too for visiting.
seriously, having all you true fashionistas be so kind has made my day. Autism Shmawtism; this fashion thing is HARD!
everything's so pretty. so ladylike.
Hammvantage! lol it's a hammvantage having you in my blogging life!
Anonymous said…
I'm bring Toe cleavage back!!! - it will catch on... trust me!!

That Pink Jacket is just lovely.
~Tessa~Scoffs said…
It was much fun reading your fashion blog. Really, it looks professional. Everytime I try to shoot a picture of a pair of shoes it looks like a >>>>> child did it!
WendyB said…
Hey, I was actually ON a Fashion Disasters page (next to Susan Sarandon) and it was a proud moment for me. I bet that dress looked great!
Nan P. said…
Back on the Hammie vs. Photos topic (and pOsing, but pAUsing, dam it!): check my own post of today (23/08). How brave am I...?

The trick is NOT to pose, and most importantly NOT to look at the camera. If you ignore it, it's not so bad. ;-)
Elizabeth said…
You have beautiful things, and I love them all. My favorite is the dress with the wagon story.

The last time I heard "wagon" was in a P.G. Wodehouse novel!
Lisamaree said…
Wow, Enc and WendyB: I feel like some of the seniors in highschool have admired my outfit. I'm in awe!
Ms Wombat: I try to dress like a lady, to make up for driving like a man! (and fighting way above my weight)
Tessa: thankyou. I felt like a total amateur.
I hate long manipedded toe nails too. yeeuw
NanP. No way, no how.
Sesame said…
Good God..see what happens when I go away for a few days..autism turns fashionable..not a bad complaint!

Are there any end to your talents Mrs? Keep this up and you'll soon talk me out of my trackies and bad hair days and turn me into a laydee. Great 1st post
You've finally listened to Immie...this makes me happy! Now you just need to keep it up, because this exactly what fashion blogging needs.

ps I L.O.V.E any woman described as a 'wagon'.