Happy Aussie Day and Guan Xi Fa Cai (Gung He Fat Choy)

A Very Happy Year of The Ox to you all.
Chinese New Year is about Family and mine are all on the other side of the world
(well the ones that aren't supposed to be upstairs falling asleep)
This is my Grandma and Grandpa who live in Melbourne. We were all looking out for the Paparazzi when they snapped us outside their condo by the bay.

Where my sister and her family are probably spending Australia Day a - "Bank Holiday Monday".
Probably listening to Triple Js Hottest 100
This little piece of Heaven is where my sister served the Imeldas tea and a good fruitcake,
with a jug of cold water flavoured with freshly picked mint on the side.
It is literally just at her backdoor.


This is my laundry door where I look to escape the sideways rain, snow and sleet outside my back door.

Postcards and Koala compliments of Skye who sent me a care parcel last year.

I will also accept donations of Tom Yum packet soups, Chicken Twisties and Cherry Ripes. Email me for delivery address.

Have a lovely Australia Day.

I hope the wind blows the right way and the air is just damp enough for safe barbies and no bush fires.




Nick McGivney said…
Happy Ozzie Day Hammie. Sorry we can't improve on the weather, the marsupials or the shrimp but we still love ya ennyways. That's my best Kath 'n' Kim.

K.Line said…
Aren't you and your grandparents the cutest things! And, no jealousy here about the gorgeous swimming pool at the back door of your sister. Really. (Is she in a condo and that's the swimming pool or does that belong to her alone??)
Sister Wolf said…
I'm just jealous that you have a waist to put that belt around. Well, that AND the grandparents. xo
The Spicers said…
What a great photo! You are all beautiful.
Anonymous said…
Happy Australia Day, lady! Your grandparents are too adorable - my heart goes out to you for living so far away from the rellies.
Nan P. said…


I loved Melbourne when I visited only a few years back, the only city where I thought to myself while walking through it (the only way to really a city) "I could live here"... and this coming from a former Parisienne!

I notice that you are getting braver and braver on the "photo front", we can actually see you... Ok, still the big sun glasses on, but we will forgive you because of Ozzy Sun and all that - but just this once!

Happy Ox Year and Oz day to ya all!
Lisamaree said…
Nick; don't give up the day job. (but maybe get in touch with yer man Baz Lurman) They are PRAWNS!

K: They are adorable and in mid to late 80's so even better (clean living) My sister lives on acreage. They got the pool with the money they had borrowed to pay for Herceptin (a Breast cancer drug) which the aussie government made free.

SW: My grandparents are fantastic arent they? thanks!

Thanks Mrs C: I should have added Happy Republic Day to the folks in India too. (we post colonials gotta stick together)

Sal and IHeart: Thanks! I would go home in a minute but the special education we need is only here in Ireland - so far....

Nan: That will get the Melbournians gloating! they love to think of themselves as "european" in a good way (not in a former yugoslav factions fighting at the tennis way!
They have the fashion, the food, but no Sydney Harbour- a sore point!
Skye said…
Happy Austraya/Invasion day to you Hammie! You may miss the tom yum packet soups (I would, I used to live on those things when I was a single girl) but you can't be missing the 1000 drunken youths wrapped in Australian flags who had a brawling drunken riot in Burleigh yesterday!
Make Do Style said…
Oh such a delight to see your grandparents and a peek at australian life - I feel I should take the plunge and decamp!
Seeker said…
Hope you had a Happy Australia Day, lovely.

What a great picture of you and your grandparents. Lovely and cute.

Take care sweetie

Jen said…
tehee, happy australia day to you too, even though i'm across the ditch :)
Seeker said…
I've a little something for you in my blog

WendyB said…
Eek! We used to wear those little koalas clipped to our shirts a LONG time ago.
Jules said…
Happy Australia day too!!!
That pic of you w/ your grandparents were really cute..
I just can't help my self looking on it every time..=)