Something About Us

Why suppress your child's interests and obsessions? When what they enjoy could possibly enrich your world.

And you gotta love a little Gerard Manley Hopkins.


Jules said…
That was a great post.And i think you are right!Sometimes we need to follow what kids wanted to do,coz in any ways,what they do sometimes make us feel good at least even just for a day.And it will surely leave us a good and happy memory to remember.So enjoy every moment that we're with them.;D
Have a great day..
K.Line said…
Fascinating documentary, L. It helps us to understand the great importance of supporting individuality as a barometer of creativity!
Unknown said…
This is a great post ever.Telling everybody what is the importance of sometimes listening to our kids wants.I love the way you share it with us,have a wonderful and happy week.;D
Clive said…
Excellent! I think my kids would agree totally!

- little man's mum
jazzygal said…
Wow..... this Rocks... and Flaps...etc!!

As thought provoking as ever. Where on earth do you find these nuggets H?!

I LOVE how the sensory sounds and stimming are turned into Art forms. It is true...their interests can enrich our lives. If we enjoy their interests with them we can open up a new communication path also. xx J
Sister Wolf said…
I love this documentary, thank you so much for sharing it.

(And I love GMH for his last words, after all his misery!)