hammiesays: neural otherness is awesome

With thanks to K-line for the gift of the phrase and the gift of her astute and intuitive comments.

And Sister Wolf for the gift of the website and well, for being Sister Wolf.

oh, and consider this a copyright!


PS: if you think that neural otherness is awesome and want to help a student with her thesis on positive attitudes to raising kids with autism - please email affinityautismireland@gmail.com for a survey.


Petunia said…
Ohhhh I want one of those :) xx
Nifferdoodle said…
You should totally start a cafepress store and sell these!!
Nick McGivney said…
exactly what Nifferdoodle said...
joeys mum said…
I WANT ONE!!!!!!!!!
K.Line said…
Hammie I LOVE THIS! Made me tear up and laugh at the same time. Very gorgeous t-shirt.
Three great bloggers making one great shirt. Very cool!!!!!!!
Clive said…
look the t-shirt!

'awesome' as my daughter would say!!
tazzy said…
Love it!!
jazzygal said…
Go on...Go on...Go on...you will...you will...you will!

Will they be ready in time for Sept 19th??

Will there be Bages and Pins ??!!

Endless possibilities! xx J